
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Spectrum logo

Founded initially as ATC (American Television and Communications) in 1968, Spectrum is a cable TV and broadband Internet provider. The company was known as Time Warner Cable until 2017 when it merged with Charter Communications and Bright House Networks.

Contact information

Phone: (800) 892-4357
Fax: None or unknown
TDD/TTY: None or unknown
Website: Spectrum official website
E-mail: Spectrum contact page
Address: Spectrum Headquarters
400 Atlantic Street
Stamford, CT 06901

Spectrum store locations
Stock: CHTR

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Related pages on Computer Hope

  • AOL (America Online)
  • Cable
  • ISP (Internet service provider)

Company news

2017 - Time Warner Cable merged with Charter Communications and Bright House Networks and now known as Spectrum.

October 8, 2014 - Time Warner Cable and Comcast merger proposal was approved.

1968 - ATC (American Television and Communications) was founded, which became the Time Warner Cable company.