Use the HTML color picker to find your HTML color code

Updated: 06/21/2017 by Computer Hope
Color codes

Below is an HTML (hypertext markup language) color code picker script that resembles the Adobe Photoshop color picker. Using this online tool, you can select the color you want to use in your web page or blog. Your browser must have JavaScript enabled to use this tool.

If enabled, use the middle multi-color scroll bar to scroll up or down to the color you want. To select the shade of color, click the shade you want in the large shade box.

Finally, the color code appears in the bottom-right corner # box. To keep that color, click the text boxes below the color picker, select the color, and click the alternate box to begin with a new color.

Color picker
Color select
Horizontal line



# ____
# ____

The above HTML color code picker uses code from the YUI Color Picker script.