Determine last modified date of a web page
Updated: 02/07/2022 by Computer Hope
Many web pages do not list the last date and time they were updated, modified, or changed. This information can be determined using one of the suggestions in the following sections.
JavaScript in the address bar
Copy and paste the JavaScript text from the box below into the address bar.
With dynamically generated content, this suggestion does not work. Also, newer Internet browsers with an omnibox require the user to manually type in javascript: even after they paste the entire string.
Perform Google search
- Open the web page that you want to view the last modified date.
- Copy everything after the last forward slash.
- Paste what you copied into a Google search, or the omnibox at the top of your browser, and then press Enter.
- At the top of your search results, the displayed date indicates the last time the page was modified or updated.
Internet Archive
Although this site does not give you an exact modified date, it should give you a general idea. Also, it lets you view the history of a page, even if it's offline. Visit the Internet Archive, and then enter the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page in question into their search bar.