
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
TurboSquid logo

Founded in 2000 by Tom and David Avgikos and Matt and Andy Wisdom, TurboSquid sells three-dimensional models online. These models are used for projects such as 3D animations, video games, and other similar projects involving 3D imagery.

The company sells models created in a large variety of 3D programs. The models are grouped into 9 categories: cars, characters, animals, vehicles, architecture, furniture, anatomy, landscapes, and technology. They also offer a library of free models. All their models are found and purchased for download on the TurboSquid online store.

Contact information

Support: TurboSquid Support Page
Fax: +1 (205) 278-8506
TDD/TTY: None or unknown
Website: TurboSquid official website
FTP: None or unknown
E-mail: TurboSquid Contact Page
Address: TurboSquid
935 Gravier Street, Suite 1600
New Orleans, LA, 70112
Stock: None or unknown

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