Linux bs command

Updated: 11/06/2021 by Computer Hope
bs command

On Unix-like operating systems, bs is a "battleship" game for Linux.


The bs game is an heirloom (legacy) program, and may not be available for your operating system.


bs [ -b | -s ] [ -c ]


-b selects a 'blitz' variant: allows a side to shoot for as long as it continues to score hits.
-s selects a 'salvo' variant: allows a player one shot per turn for each of his/her ships still afloat. This puts a premium scoring hit early and knocks out some ships, making the situation harder to face a superior force with only your PT-boat.
-c permits ships to be placed adjacently: Normally, ships must be separated by at least one square of open water. The -c option disables this check and allows them to close-pack.



Begins a game of battleship.