Linux cancel command

Updated: 11/06/2021 by Computer Hope
cancel command

On the System V operating system, the cancel command cancels print jobs.


cancel cancels existing print jobs. The -a option removes all jobs from the specified destination.

When specifying printers, printer names are not case-sensitive.


cancel [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -a ] [ -h hostname[:port] ]
       [ -u username ] [ id ] [ destination ] [ destination-id ]


-E Forces encryption when connecting to the server.
-U username Specifies the username to use when connecting to the server.
-a Cancel all jobs on the named destination, or all jobs on all destinations if none is provided.
-h hostname[:port] Chooses an alternate server.
-u username Cancels jobs owned by username.



Cancels all pending print jobs.

lp — Print a file on the System V operating system.
lpq — List the status of available printers.
lpr — Submit print requests.
lprm — Remove requests from the print queue.
lpstat — List the status of the LP print services.