Computer file extensions - U

Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

Below is a listing of each of the different file extensions that begin with the letter "U." If you are looking for a file extension that starts with a different letter, click the corresponding beginning letter below.

.UNI 1. MikMod (UniMod) format file.
2. Forecast Pro data file.
.UNK Unknown file type, sometimes used when a file is received that cannot be identified.
.UNX Text file, often associated with Unix.
.URL 1. File used with some browsers such as Internet Explorer linking you to different web pages.
2. Internet shortcut.
.UU A UUencode compressed file that is extracted and used with compression utilities.
.UUE A UUencode compressed file that is extracted and used with compression utilities.
.UVS OGG OggUVS text file.