Linux nischmod command

Updated: 11/06/2021 by Computer Hope
nischmod command

On the Solaris operating system, the nischmod command changes access rights on an NIS+ object.


nischmod changes the access rights (mode) of the NIS+ objects or entries specified by name to mode. Entries are specified using indexed names (see nismatch). Only principals with modify access to an object may change its mode.

mode has the following form:

rights [, rights]...

rights has the form:

[ who ] op permission [ op permission ]...

who is a combination of:

n Nobody's permissions.
o Owner's permissions.
g Group's permissions.
w World's permissions.
a All. This is the same as specifying owg.

If who is omitted, the default is a.

op is one of:

+ To grant the permission.
- To revoke the permission.
= To set the permissions explicitly.

permission is any combination of:

r Read
m Modify
c Create
d Destroy

Unlike the system chmod command, nischmod does not accept octal values.


nischmod [-AfLP] mode name...


-A Modify all entries in all tables in the concatenation path that match the search criteria specified in name. This option implies the -P switch.
-f Force the operation and fail silently if it does not succeed.
-L Follow links and change the permission of the linked object or entries rather than the permission of the link itself.
-P Follow the concatenation path within a named table. This option is only applicable when either name is an indexed name or the -L switch is also specified and the named object is a link pointing to an entry.


If the NIS_PATH environment variable is set, and the NIS+ name is not fully qualified, each directory specified will be searched until the object is found. See nisdefaults.


nischmod a+r object

Grants everyone read access to object object.

nischmod gn-cm object

Denies creation and modification access of object object to group, and to "nobody" (unauthorized clients).

chmod — Change the permissions of files or directories.
nischown — Change the owner of an NIS+ object on a system running Solaris.
nisdefaults — Display NIS+ default values.
nismatch — Utilities for searching NIS+ tables.