Wen-mei Hwu
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: Wen-mei Hwu
Born: Unknown
Computer-related contributions
- Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign specializing in computer architecture, compiler design, parallel processing and computer microarchitecture.
- Co-director of the Intel and Microsoft funded UPCRC (Universal Parallel Computing Research Center).
- PI for the petascale Blue Waters system.
- PI for the world's first NVIDIA CUDA Center of Excellence.
Significant publications
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors (2012).
- GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition (2011).
- High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers (2005).
- Efficient Instruction Sequencing with Inline Target Insertion (1990).
Honors and awards
- Tau Beta Pi Daniel C. Drucker Eminent Faculty Award (2001).
- ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award (1999).
- Served as the chairman of the Computer Engineering Program at Illinois (1997 to 1999).
- ACM SigArch Maurice Wilkes Award (1998).
- Eta Kappa Nu Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award (1997).
- Xerox Award for Faculty Research (1994).
- Received the Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award (1993).
- Holds the Walter J. Sanders III Advanced Micro Devices Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Coordinated Science Laboratory.