Microsoft Word tips
Updated: 10/11/2021 by Computer Hope

Microsoft Word basics
- What is Microsoft Word?
- Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts.
- Full listing of Microsoft Word questions and answers.
Microsoft Word tips
- Print only sections of a page.
- Quickly create tables in Microsoft Word.
- Quickly insert hyperlinks into Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Close all open files at once in Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Delete one word at a time.
- Easy undo.
- Quickly open recent files in Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Create underlines in Word without any text.
- Repeat the last action in Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Quickly generate text in Microsoft Word.
- Use the Microsoft Word Format Painter to copy formatting.
- Zoom in and out of a page.
- Move cursor to the position of the last revision in Word.
- Quickly insert bullets and numbered list into Word.
- Increase and decrease font size in Word using keyboard shortcut.
- Remove formatting in Word from any pasted text.
- Shortcut to only select one sentence in Microsoft Word.
- Quickly change case of text in Microsoft Word.
- Erase a blank page in Microsoft Word.