Paperclip problem

The paperclip problem is a hypothetical created by philosopher Nick Bostrom in 2014 that demonstrates the dangers of AI (artificial intelligence). In the hypothetical, the AI is only given the goal of developing the most efficient method of creating a paperclip. Because the system is intelligent, it develops new ways to produce paperclips more efficiently over time, but devotes all its energy and the world's resources to making paperclips.
The underlying idea behind the paperclip problem is that we cannot completely control or predict how an AI will work. In this scenario, the AI may create so many paperclips that the world becomes overwhelmed with them. Also, if humans attempt to stop the AI from making paperclips, it may see them as a threat and create ways to stop or remove humans.
A game that helps demonstrate the paperclip problem is the Universal Paperclips game, which can be played online or through your smartphone. In this game, you start manually making paperclips, develop new systems that automatically create paperclips, and solve many of the world's problems, like curing cancer. The game ends when you release the Hypno Drones and take complete control of everyone in the world.