
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope

iMesh was a file sharing software that allowed users to download both paid and free music for their iPod devices.


WOT (Web of Trust) currently rates iMesh with a poor rating based on user reviews. Several reports of malware and spyware affiliated with this product. Keep these warnings in mind if you decide to install this program on your computer.

As of June 9, 2016, the iMesh website and service is shut down, and the software is no longer supported.

How to uninstall iMesh

When attempting to uninstall iMesh, you may get errors or fail to uninstall the program. Make sure the program is not running in the background by opening your Windows Notification Area and closing the program. After the program has closed, uninstall the program through "Add/Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel.

If you're still getting errors, reboot the computer into Safe Mode and uninstall the program from within Safe Mode. Finally, if you continue to run into issues or don't want to restart the computer, use a third-party uninstaller, such as Revo Uninstaller.

File sharing, Internet terms, lowerCamelCase, Napster