1-Step Backup

1-Step Backup was a software package included with early Iomega Zip and Jaz drives. This software allowed the user to quickly and backup their software and computer. The software was later replaced by Iomega Backup. Today, neither of these programs are available as Iomega company assets became part of another company.
How do I remove 1-Step Backup from loading?
If you are using Windows 95 and Windows 98, right-click the 1-Step Backup icon on your tool bar and choose Deactivate.
How do I add the icon back?
If the icon is to be added in the future, run 1-Step Backup from the Tape Tools program group or folder.
I have lost 1-Step Backup, how can I get it back?
1-Step Backup was available as backup.exe through the Iomega FTP site, which is no longer online. If you do not have Ioware to complete the installation of this. If you do not have Ioware, download:
Ioware31.exe for Windows 3.1
Ioware9x.exe for Windows 95 and Windows 98
Iowarent.exe for Windows NT.
Additional Information about 1-Step Backup:
1-Step Backup is located in C:\PROGRA~1\IOMEGA\TOOLS\BACKUP where you can locate backup.exe