Right align
Updated: 12/31/2020 by Computer Hope

Right align, right alignment, or right justify is text or page formatting that aligns text along the right side of a page or containing element. This text has a ragged right edge because it is left-aligned instead of being right aligned. Below is an example of right aligned text.
Example of right aligned text
Example text that is aligned on the right side of the box. Unlike the text above that is left-aligned this text has a ragged left edge.
What is the right align keyboard shortcut?
The alignment keyboard shortcuts can vary depending on what program is used and the type of computer. However, often use Ctrl+L to left align, Ctrl+E to center, Ctrl+R to right align, and Ctrl+J to justify text.
Alignment, Flush right, Justify, Left align, Right, Typography terms, Word processor terms